lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

TKT Practice Test Module 1

For questions 1-5 , match the example language with the grammatical terms listed A-F.
Mark the correct letter (A-F)
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Example language                                                                                       Grammatical terms
1-      My, your, our                                                                               A subject pronouns
2-      That, which, who                                                                         B possessive adjectives
3-      We, you, she                                                                                C prepositions of movement
4-      During, after, until                                                                      D relative pronouns
5-      Trough, along, towards                                                              E prepositions of time
                                                                                                        F interrogative pronouns

For questions 6- 12, look at the questions about language and the three possible answers listed A,B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A,B or C) on your answer sheet.

6. Which sentence does NOT contain a collective noun?
A  The manager toldhis staff they could not leave early.
B  The teacher asked her students to hand in their excercise books.
C  The spectators cheered their team as they scored a second goal.
7 Which sentence does NOT cointain a determiner?
A There are several examples in the text.
B Could you pass me that pen?
C I'm going on holiday next month.
8 Which sentence does NOT contain a conjuction of contrast?
A She liked skating when her friends went with her.
B While she was quite hard-working, her sister preferred watching TV all day.
C She wanted to try snowboarding though her husband warned her not to.
9 Which sentence does NOT contain a verb that is used transitively?
A I really can't explain the reason why I felt that way.
B He wants to retire as soon as he can.
C Nobody knows what she's going to do next next year.
10 Which sentence does NOT contain a possessive pronoun?
A I'll take yours. it's much better.
B Give me one quickly, will you?
C I prefer this house to theirs.
11 Which sentence does NOT contain an adverb?
A He told us we only needed to bring our passports.
B Fourtanately, they found the wallet he'd lost.
C Nobody knew the book that he was describing.
12 Which sentences does NOT contain an adjective?
A There were so many people in town that you couldn't walk around.
B The programme was extremely well organised and everyone enjoyed it.
C There are no more tickets available for that show.

For questions 13-18 match the examples of words with the lexical categories listed A-G
Mark the correct letter (A-G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

Examples of words
13- trees, flowers, grass                                                                        A- idioms
14- two, too; blue, blew; pair, pear.                                                   B- suffixes
15- down in the mouth, green fingers, a pain in the neck              C- synonyms
16- take off, give in, get out                                                                 D- lexical set
17- calmly, nationality, childhood                                                       E- prefixes
18- lucky, fortunate; sad, miserable; awful, terrible                        F- homophones
                                                                                                                   G- phrasal verbs

For questions 14-19, look at the terms about lexis and the three possible examples listed A, B and C.
Choose the example which matches the term.
Mark the correct letter (A,B or C) on your answer sheet.
19 a collection
A very nice
B fresh news
C quickly spoken
20 a word family
A Childlike, children, childish.
B Delightful, wonderful, amazing.
C microwave, frying pan, fridge freezer.
21 a chunk
A Where will they sit.
B What do you want?
C Why do you listen to her?
22 a word with a prefix and suffix
A cooked
B disappeaaring
C imagination
23 a compound
A bad idea
B bookshelf
C enjoyment
24 a lexical set
A pair/pear
B thing/ think
C young/old
For questions 25-30, match the example language with the functions listed A-G.
Mark the correct letter (A-G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use

Example language

25- I’m not sure if I’ll go or not.                                                                 A-persuading
26- Please come with me. I really want you to.                                      B- giving personal information
27- What do you think of his idea?                                                           C- attracting attention
28- I’m 15 next birthday.                                                                             D- giving advice
29- Can I stay out late tonight?                                                                  E- expressing uncertainty
30- Hey, listen, listen.                                                                                   F- asking for an opinion
                                                                                                                         G- asking for permission

For questions 30-35, look at the dialogue betweeen two friends. Read the sentences from the dialogue and the three possible functions listed A,B and C.
Choose the correct answer.
Mark the correct letter (A,B and C) on your answer sheet.

Jim: When di you get back?
Tom: Late last night. (30). The traffic was the worst I've ever seen it on the motorway.
Jim: It's always terrible (31) But did you have a good time?
Tom: Not so bad;(32) it was incredibly expensive though - I haven't got any money left.
Jim:(33) I thought the same when I was there. I just couldn't afford to fo out.
      (34) But it is beautiful. I loved it really.
Tom: (35) Yeh, it was just as beautiful as you'd said. Fantastic, in fact.

30 The traffic was the worst I've ever seen it.
A narrating
B describing
C expressing inability
31 But did you have a good time?
A drawing a conclusion
B suggestion an idea
C changing topic
32 It was incredibly expensive thought
A describing feelings
B blaming
C complaning
33 I thought the same when I was there.
A reporting an event
B agreeing
C explaining
34 But it is beautiful.
A disagreeing
B contrasting
C encouraging
35 It was just as beautiful as you'd said
A companing
B reporting
C clarifying
For questions 36-40 match the descriptions with the reading and writing subskills listed A-F.
Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet.

There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A-   extensive reading
B-   handwriting
C-   scanning
D-   editing
E-   skimming
F-   planning

36- You read things really quickly -  just to find specific information
37- Before you write long texts, like essays, you work out which order to present your ideas in.
38- You go through some parts of long texts slowly and carefully and through others quickly.
39- You need to learn to shape your letters correctly.
40- You often need to read what you’ve written and change it to make it easier to understand.

For questions 41-45, match the teacher’s decisions with the considerations about learning listed A-C.
Mark the correct letter (A-C) on your answer sheet.
A-   the role of errors
B-   motivation
C-   learning style
41- The teacher decides not to correct the learners during a fluency activity.
42- The teacher decides to sing a song with the class who are disappointed with their test results.
43- The teacher decides to let one learner work by himself as he works better that way.
44- The teacher decides to read the class a story they all really like.
45- The teacher encourages learners to ask for clarification when they don’t understand one another.
For questions 46-50, look at the questions about writing and the three possible answers listed A, B and C.
Choose the correct answer
Mark the correct letter (A, B, or C) on your answer sheet
46- Which statement is NOT about process writing?
A-   I always try to put lots of creative ideas into my writing
B-   I always do a first draft then read and edit again later.
C-   When I check my writing, I always find I’ve made lots of small mistakes.
47- Which statement is NOT about cohesion?
A-   The paragraph was full of words from the same lexical set.
B-   The paragraph used simple but clear conjunctions
C-   The paragraph only contained three short sentences.
48- Which statement is NOT about layout?
A-   Arranging your letter so that the addresses, etc. are in the right place makes it easier to understand.
B-   I always put full stops at the end of the sentences but I’m never very sure where to put commas.
C-   Recently I’ve started dividing my writing into short clearly marked paragraphs.
49- Which statement is NOT about product writing?
A-   I like follow a model when I write – it really helps me.
B-   It’s useful to see how previous writers have structured their texts, and then copy them.
C-   My friends sometimes give me feedback on what I write –  that really helps me improve it.
50-  Which statement is NOT about coherence?
A-   Each paragraph had a clear topic sentence so you could easily see what it was about.
B-   All complaint letters seem to follow the same pattern – which makes them easier to write and understand.
C-   I always try to explore new ideas in my writing so I can learn about new things.
51- Which statement is NOT about authenticity?
A-    At school, we had a rough book, for writing first drafts and a ‘good’ book for our final drafts.
B-   At school, we always had to do things like write letters to our local newspaper or send emails to penfriends.
C-   At school, the teacher encouraged us to use language that was natural and in the right style.
For questions 52-56, choose the best option to complete each statement about language learning.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, or C) on your answer sheet.
52- Interlanguage is
A-   A language only learners use
B-   A language like English
C-   A language just used by children
53- L1 learners process language
A-   After they fully realize what it means
B-   Until they can use it correctly and appropriately
C-   Because they try to avoid making mistakes
54- When L2 learners overgeneralize new language they
A-   Need to be corrected quickly
B-   Are experimenting with language
C-   Are not paying attention to grammar
55- Developmental errors
A-   Cannot be avoided
B-   Block the language learning process
C-   Help learners understand correct grammar
56- Both L1 and L2 learners
A-   Make errors due to interference.
B-   Focus frequently on the form of language
C-   Pick up language from their surroundings.
For answers 57-61 match the learners comments about their lessons with approaches listed A, B, and C.
You will need to use options more than once.
A-   Task based learning
B-   Structural approach
C-   Lexical approach
57- In every leson we learnt something new, then drilled it and did exercises. We never used the language freely.
58- Yesterday, the teacher asked us to underline all the chunks on language we could find in a text, then see if we could hear them in a recording of a conversation. It was difficult.
59- In groups we had to design a programme for a school trip to New York. Then afterwards we discussed what vocabulary we had needed to do this.
60- Sometimes in class we do an activity, then the teacher corrects our mistakes, then we do the activity again.
61- I like the way each bit of grammar we learn builds on the last bit. It makes learning quite easy.
61- The teacher always asks us to work with what she calls ‘authentic materials’ like magazines, newspapers and articles form the internet. We use them to find collocations and idioms.
For questions 62-67 match the steps from different lessons with the presentation or introductory techniques listed A-G
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A-   Lead in
B-   Providing in a context
C-   Warmer
D-   Guided discovery
E-   Concept checking
F-   Using an input text
G-   Elicitation
62- The learners look at seven example sentences and work out the form and
63- The learners tell the teacher their experiences of using English to speak with tourists before designing a poster on the same topic in the rest of the lesson.
64- The teacher shows the learners a series of photos of people and at the same time says some adjectives that describe their appearance.
65- The teacher asks the learners to use the target structure by asking them to tell her about their holiday plans.
66- The teacher prompts the learners to use the target structure by asking them to tell her about their holiday plans.
67- The teacher asks all the learners to stand up and shake all their classmates hands. She then asks them for their homework.
For questions 68-72 match the teachers words with the purposes of the presentation activities listed A-F
A-   Setting a context
B-   Concept cheking
C-   Explaining meaning
D-   Focusing on pronunciation
E-   Using aids to convey meaning
F-   Drilling
68- Can you give me another word with the same meaning??
69- Listen. The stress is on the fourth syllable: ‘accommoDation’.
70- We use it to clean our teeth.
71- Today we’re going to talk about inventions.
72- Look, heres a picture of one.
For questions 73-78 match the classroom activities with their main teaching purposes listed A-G
There ir one extra option you do not need to use.
73- Helping learners to use dictionaries
74- Class discussion
75- Lead-in
76- Vocabulary quiz
77- Jumbled paragraphs
78- Substitution drill
A-   Giving controlled practice
B-   Developing understanding of coherence and cohesion
C-   Developing listening skills
D-   Giving fluency practice
E-   Introducing the topic of a lesson
F-   Developing learner autonomy

G-   Revising

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