lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

TKT Practice Test Module 3

For questions 1-8 match the examples of teacher language with the classroom functions listed A-I
There is one extra option which you do not really need to use.
Examples of teacher language
1-      We don’t say ‘good in’ we say ‘good at’
2-      You two, how are you getting on?
3-      What can you see in the picture?
4-      Once upon a time there were two boys
5-      Practice the dialogue in pairs for five minutes
6-      That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.
7-      Good morning, everyone. How are you today?
8-      Can you remember the meaning of these words?

A-     Monitoring
B-      Eliciting
C-      Correcting
D-     Greeting
E-      Setting up an activity
F-      Checking learning
G-     Narrating
H-     Disciplining
I-        Ending the lesson
For questions 9-10 match the learners instructions with the comments in them listed A, B or C.
A-     Language not well graded
B-      Language not well sequenced
C-      Language too formal/informal

9-      The teacher says to a class of beginners at primary school: ‘You’d better finish quickly as we’re really short of time.’
10-   The teacher says to a group of teenage intermediate leaners: ‘That was extremely well done. I do congratulate you.’
11-   The teacher says to a group of elementary learners: ‘Do the exercise on page 52. Open your books and check your answers with your partner.’
12-   The teacher says to a group of teenage elementary learners: ‘Use scientific lexical terms to definite these words.’
13-   The teacher says to a group of adult intermediate learners: ‘Prepare your roles. Get into pairs. Here are your role cards.’
For questions 13-17 match the teacher language with the teaching activities listed A-F
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Teacher language
14-   Listen and repeat together
15-   What do you have for the first one?
16-   That’s not quite right
17-   Whose turn is it?
18-   No, it begins with ‘c’. We learnt it last lesson.

A-     Playing a game
B-      Starting a drill
C-      Prompting
D-     Commenting on a performance
E-      Setting up pairwork
F-      Checking answers
For questions 19-28 match the teaching actions with the teacher roles listed A-F
You need to use some options more than once.
A-     Planner
B-      Parent
C-      Monitor
D-     Diagnostician
E-      Manager
F-      Resource

19-   The teacher goes round the class in pairwork, checking the learners’ speaking.
20-   The teacher prepares a lesson that suits her learners learning styles.
21-   The teacher makes sure that the class is well disciplined.
22-   The teachers speak kindly to a child who is crying.
23-   The teacher answers the questions the learners have about the topic
24-   The teacher finds out which topics the learners need to learn about
25-   The teacher tells the learners what the new word means.
26-   The teacher is able to understand what the learners language problems are
27-   The teacher makes sure that all the learners are taking part in the activities
28-   The teacher decides before the lesson which learners will work in which groups

For questions 29-33 match the descriptions with the correction techniques listed A-C
You need to use some options more than once.
A-     Echo correcting
B-      Peer corrections
C-      Ignoring the mistake
29-   In a class discussion a learner makes a pronunciation mistake. The teacher does nothing
30-   Pairs exchange posters and work with a checklist to guide their proof-reading of the other pairs grammar and spelling
31-   A learner is confusing the pronunciation of the words ship and sheep. The teacher repeats what he says.
32-   One of the learners says light when she means right. The teacher says both words.
33-   The teacher records learners doing a role-play. Then they watch the video and talk about the mistakes in their groups.
For questions 34-40 match the teachers comments with the focuses of feedback listed A, B or C.
34-   You used some lovely adjectives in your story today
35-   Stop talking
36-   Your work has really improved this month
37-   I am pleased to see you helping the other learners
38-   You have expressed yourself well
39-   Your mark in the test is worse than the last time
40-   You are such a quite class today.

For questions 40-45, match the examples of teacher' classroom language with the functions listed A-G
Mark the correct letter (A-G).
A getting attenction
B eliciting
C narrating
D managinf interaction patterns
E giving a definiton
F asking for clarification
G modelling

Teachers' classroom language
40 A park is a place where people go to walk and relax. Children can play, too.
41Ok, now... everyone... stop what you are doing.
42 I'm not quite sure what you mean. Give us some more detail.
43 It was the middle of the night and Tom was asleep. Suddenly he heard a sound.
44 You say it like this- comfortable. Now repeat.
45 The room in a house where people cook is called a k..., ki...?
For questios 46-51 look at the teacher's first two instructions in a sequence of instructions and the three possible ways of continuing them listed A,B and C.
Choose the instruction which would be the most appropriate to continue the sequence.
Mark the correct letter.
46 The teacher tells students to draw in that time line from the textbook in their notebooks.
The teacher tells students to write two examples sentences fo points A and B on the line.
A The teacher tells students to draw four more time lines.
B The teacher tellls students to think carefully about the grammar use for the two points in time.
C The teacher tells tudents to complete the grammar exercise in their textbooks.
47 The teacher tells students that they need to do some simple reaserch for their class project.
The teacher puts the students into groups and gives out a set of questions.
A The teacher asks a student to hand out the class set of dictionaries.
B The teacher tells students to answer the questions together.
C The teacher tells groups to go to the library in turn to collect some reference materials.
48 The teacher tells students they are going to do a listening activity. He writes three questions on the board.
The teacher tells students to write their answers to the questions on a piece of paper as they listen,
A The teacher tells tudents that they do not have to write full sentences, that they can write notes.
B The teacher tells stuents to read the questions on the board.
C The teacher tells students to check their answers in pairs.
49 The teacher tells the students to get into groups of three for a role-play
The teacher asks groups to put their hands up in turn to check they are all in threes.
A The teacher tells students they have got five minutes to practise their role-plays
B The teacher checks that students know exactly what they have to do.
C The teacher reminds students to use the prompt from the textbook.
50 The teacher tells her beginner students to watch a DVD and to listen for four examples of polite requests.
The teacher asks the class to tell her the examples they heard.
A The teacher tells students to write a short dialogue using at least two of the examples.
B The teacher tells students to put up their hands when they hear an example.
C The teacher tells students to listen for examples of their functions.
51 The teacher tells students to open their textbooks and to look at the reading activity,
The teacher tells students to look at the photos next to the reading activity.
A The teacher tells students to use the photos to try and predict what the text is going to be about.
B The teacher tells students to match the photos to relevant parts of the text.
C The teeacher tells the students to read the text in detail to find where the photos are described.
For questions 52-58 match the teacher's instructions to elementary primary learners with a trainer's comments on their appropriacy listed A,B and C.
A These instructions are appropriate for the learners.
B These instructions are above the language leve of the learners.
C These instructions do not tell the learners exactly what to do.

Teacher's instructions to elementary primary learners
52 describe the poster briegly to your partner. You've got maximum of two minutes.
53 Open your books at page 12. Colour the picture in exercise 2.
54 Look at the board. Copy these five words into your notebooks.
55 Stand up and look at the flashchards on the walls.
56 Are you ready to get going? Can one team line their cards up face down here.
57 Listen to the story about Tom and his cat and put up your hands.
58 Listen to the CD. Point to the toys in the pictures when you hear the words.
For questions 59-65 read the student dialogues. Match the second student's responses withh the functions listed A-H
A emphasising
B prompting
C self-correcting
D checking understanding
E speculating
F encouraging
G changng the subject
H suggesting

Student dialogues
59 Julia: I am not sure I can do this exercise.
     Kyoko: Yes, you can. I'll help you
60 Paula: Well, we were all on the plane waiting to take off. Then i saw
    Naima: The pilot...
61 Lin: So what do you think picture A is? Is it the end of a pencil?
     Peter: I suppose it could be if you turn it this way around.
62 Sven: I don't understand the homework. Can we do it quickly now?
     Geraldo: No time. Why don't you come round to my house later and we can do it together?
63 Monique: Number 4. The answer's obvious. He didn't see her, so it's this one.
     Aafje: Do you mean this one is the answer?
64 Mohamed: Have you ever been to Australia?
     Frank: Yes, I did.... er... sorry, I have...
65 Wong: So, I had a great holiday and met lots of new people.
    Stefan: Right... next one. Sport. I'm really good at tennis and softball.
For questions 66-72 look at the convention between two intermediate learner's. Read the questions about their use of language and the three possible answers listed. A, B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B and C).
Juan: I'll start. I come from Spain I love football.                                               line 1
Fernanda: Me too. That is... I love football.  I'm not from Spain, though. I'm    line 2
from Italy.                                                                                                         line 3
Juan: I guessed that from your T-shirt. Is that your town marked                   line 4
on the map Italy?                                                                                             line 5
Fernanda: Yes! I designed it myself... got the map from the internet...           line 6
Juan: Yeah... anyway, the teacher is looking at us... back to the task...         line 7
Fernanda: Yeah... you come from Spain, you like football... and...                 line 8
Juan: Er... let me see... I've got two brothers and I'm studying                       line 9
to be a doctor. Your turn.                                                                                line 10
Fernanda: I'm an only child. As for career, I'm into the arts. I want to be       line 11
a designer.                                                                                                      line 12

66 When Juan says I'll start in line 1,
A he has just decided he wants to begin.
B it is turn to say something.
C the students decided earlier that he would start.
67 When Fernanda says "That is" in line 2.
A she is highlighting an idea.
B she is correcting Juan.
C she is clarifying
68 When fernand says got the map from the internet, in line 6,
A she is making a suggestion.
B she is giving instructions.
C she is descrbing part of a process.
69 When Juan says anyway, in line 7,
A he is trying to get the attention of the teacher.
B he is trying to get the direction of the conversation.
C he is talking to a third student.
70 When Fernandasays you come from Spain, you like football, in line 8,
A she is summarising.
B she is checking.
C she is explaining
71 When Juan says, let me see, in line 9,
A he is looking at picture.
B he is organising his thoughts.
C he is making a suggestion,
72 When Juan says Your turn in line 10,
A he is helping Fernanda.
B he is inviting Fernanda to speak.
C he is telling Fernanda the rules.
From questions 73-79, match the learners' written the types of mistake listed A-H
Mark the correct latter (A-H).
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Types of mistake
A wrong conjuction
B missing pronoun
C unnecessary auxiliary
D wrong modal verb
E missing article
F wrong preposition
G wrong adverb
H wrong tense

73 Her birthday is on June. it's on 21st.
74 They played hardly during the match. They deserved to win.
75 My niece is coming to saty with us.
76 What do you are think of this CD?
77 She did well in the exam as she was very happy.
78 Last night I saw cat in my garden.
     It was very happy.
79 I have visited Italy last summer for my holidays. 

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